SUV, MOTORCYCLE, TRUCK or VAN? 3 Popular Zombie-Escaping Vehicles Made Popular on the Small and Silver Screen | The Fan Carpet Ltd • The Fan Carpet: The RED Carpet for FANS • The Fan Carpet: Fansites Network • The Fan Carpet: Slate • The Fan Carpet: Theatre Spotlight • The Fan Carpet: Arena • The Fan Carpet: International

SUV, MOTORCYCLE, TRUCK or VAN? 3 Popular Zombie-Escaping Vehicles Made Popular on the Small and Silver Screen

18 December 2017

If you're a fan of zombie shows and movies, you're certainly not alone. From classic zombie films like Night of the Living Dead to TV shows like The Walking Dead, there's certainly no shortage of opportunities to get your undead fix.

But whether you consider yourself a diehard fan or not, you may have noticed something consistent pop up in virtually every film or TV show: While the zombies are definitely a key part of these plotlines, the vehicles that the living characters use to get the heck out of (zombie) Dodge are also pretty impressive.

With all this in mind, here are three of the top zombie-escaping vehicles featured on the small and silver screen:

1. A Huge SUV

In the 2009 hit film Zombieland starring Woody Harrelson, the roads were packed with tons of people clamoring to get away from the undead. As the film demonstrated, to get out safely, nothing beats a huge SUV with a plow attached to the front in order to run over — and hopefully kill — the zombies in your path.

Of course, SUVs are powerful and can hold plenty of passengers who are also trying not to get bitten by the undead. While these large vehicles aren't known for getting great gas mileage, in a post-apocalyptic world, your No. 1 concern and priority should be to escape to a safer area as quickly as possible. If your ride is low on gas, quickly fill up and get back on the road.

2. A Custom Truck or Van

Then again, why settle for a plow strapped to an SUV when, instead, you can escape through a horde of zombies with a rolling killing machine as featured in Dawn of the Dead? Beyond its massive size and power, this vehicle featured some huge sturdy tires, which you'll need to escape a crowded neighborhood or over rough terrain.

Of course, if you're a devout zombie prepper, you're likely all about outfitting your own vehicle to escape the zombie apocalypse. Channel your inner Dawn of the Dead character by outfitting your truck with rugged tires that are ready to escape the undead at any time.

For example, check out the selection of name-brand truck tires available at The online retailer sells tires in a wide variety of sizes and price points. Oh, and in case your local tire shop has been taken over by zombies, you can have them delivered right to your home.

3. A Zippy Motorcycle

No list of awesome zombie-escaping vehicles would be complete without a mention of Daryl Dixon’s amazing motorcycle as featured in the hit show The Walking Dead. Did you know Dixon's bike originated as a 1992 Honda CB750 Nighthawk and was modified with a new front end, as well as upgraded wheel and brakes?

Additionally, Dixon’s bike featured a crossbow rack, which is ideal for holding weapons and other escape essentials under the subframe. If it’s just you against the undead world — and you need a zippy and dependable way to drive over just about any type of terrain — a fast motorcycle like Dixon’s will definitely help you escape.

Stay Safe Out There

In the end, the good (and living!) characters typically come out on top and kill the zombies. While the rest of society may benefit if more people struck around to fight the undead, sometimes you have to prioritize your own well-being by fleeing to safety — at least until you can plan your next attack.

From huge SUVs with massive tires to compact motorcycles able to zip through just about anywhere, zombie movies have shown us, time and again, the best ways to avoid the undead is by finding the best escape vehicles.

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