"“It’s not clear whether you are meant to be laughing with or laughing at...”"

The aptly named documentary Fuck for Forest revolves around a group of Berlin eco-activists, who want to save the world, and they plan to do it by having sex, filming it and selling it on the internet. Director Michal Marczak introduces us to this unique band of eco-warriors through Danny, the most recent member of the group who is bisexual, confused yet undoubtedly dedicated to the cause.

The documentary follows the group around their home turf of Berlin, as they film people naked in parks, having sex at raves and contributing the worst folk music anyone has ever heard. The film lazily drags us around, with no real focus or aim but seems to be trying to create a picture of everyday life for Fuck For Forest. This mostly includes wearing kooky clothing, getting naked and lying around trying to string together words before deciding to give up and just have sex again.

The film thankfully, doesn’t include any scenes of graphic sex; the camera cleverly places itself in just the right angle to show what’s happening but nothing graphic is shown. Marczak obviously doesn't share Fuck For Forest’s view that sex isn’t something to be afraid of, possibly because the audience wouldn’t take in the message of environmental safety as well.

As the film plods on, it's hard to say whether you feel like your watching a grassroots movement who are taking the popularity of porn and turning it into something positive, or whether you're watching some people who are trying to recreate the 1970’s – people who just like to have sex a lot and have invented an ethos around it. This tension is resolved every now and then with some of the ridiculous situations the group create, but it’s not clear whether you are meant to be laughing with or laughing at.

The film concludes with the group taking their impressive savings from their website to the Amazon, as absurd as that sounds. The group gushes at the lush rainforest, stare at the beautiful native people and involve themselves in their sacred rituals with slightly too much gusto. As the group discuss buying land for the indigenous people so companies looking to farm on it won’t buy it, their idyllic peaceful philosophy comes crashing down. The farmers tell them in a frank way that they don’t trust them, they don’t really know what they are doing and they would still be poor and without work even if they did buy the land.

The stark reality that even though Fuck for Forest has raised money, philosophies and dreams of a peaceful world, comes with hard work and understanding. The film ends with Danny again wandering the streets of Berlin after the whole ordeal, trying to talk to homeless Palestinian immigrants about protesting by getting naked in public and being told in simple turns ‘we have bigger problems’. Which just about sums it up.