"Filming in the abbeys of Romania has certainly paid off with its creepy crosses and cemeteries which makes the audience feel uneasy throughout"

The FrightFest Party never stops as they arranged a unique and atmospheric screening of The Conjuring Prequel The Nun. After the success of The Conjuring 2 and the impact that the demonic nun VALEK had in The Conjuring sequel, it was a no brainer to bring The Nun into The Chilling Conjuring Cinematic Universe with its own origin movie. 

The year is 1952 and after a suicide takes place outside a Romanian Abbey a priest is sent by the Vatican to investigate along with a nun who sees visions and a sharp tongued guide. As they enter the Abbey they uncover its dark origins and are soon tormented by VALEK, who wishes to be let loose on the world. The group find themselves not only in a battle for survival but also on a hunt for an ancient weapon to send VALEK back to hell.

So I went into this movie expecting a jump scare fest and a 'Loose' connection to The Conjuring franchise. What I got was a great origin story about the church itself that I wish they would go further back and do a film about. I was very impressed with the story and the scares were good too.

This is a film worth seeing in IMAX as the scenery is breathtaking, especially the church itself which had some creepy rooms and aesthetic. Jonas Bloquet brings some humour to the film too which was unexpected. The score really sets the chilling atmosphere, especially when VALEK shows up.

The scares are quite clever and out of nowhere. Filming in the abbeys of Romania has certainly paid off with its creepy crosses and cemeteries which makes the audience feel uneasy throughout. Director Corin Hardy makes a generous contribution to the franchise with his twisted vision on this soon to be Horror Legend.  

We have to show some love to Bonnie Aarons who plays the demonic nun VALEK as she looks so terrifying, I don't think anyone can replicate such a unique role. Taissa Farmiga is great as sister Irine also, I wouldn't be surprised if she shows up again in future instalments of The Conjuring franchise.