"I especially liked the scenes where they show real Stand Up comedy, its a fascinating look behind the scenes at how it's done on the comedy curcuit."

Adam Sandler is one of my favourite actors, I enjoy his work, and this is a little darker for him, he plays a comedian that has been diagnosed with a rare blood disease and as a way of coping with it, he hires Ira Wright (Seth Rogan) and reconnects with his comedy roots in Stand Up.

Sure some would say that a comedian playing a comedian is no real stretch, but what Adam does on screen is mix the funny with the emotion really well. It's not split your sides funny like Knocked Up, but it provides a solid story, plenty of laughs and has heart, it keeps you entertained and that's just what a film should do, sure it's a tad on the long side, but it delivers what it sets out to deliver.

I especially liked the scenes where they show real Stand Up comedy, its a fascinating look behind the scenes at how it's done on the comedy curcuit.

The principle cast are well suited to their roles, on the one hand you have a stellar performance from comedy legend Adam Sandler, mixed with the comedy of Seth Rogan, and then there's Leslie Mann 'the one that got away' she plays Laura, the lost love of George, who is now un happy in her marriage to cheating husband Clarke, these three are tremendous together on screen, really work well together and are obviously at ease and relaxed the whole time.

A stand out scene is when Laura is making fun of out of Clarke as they argue about his infidelity in the garden, it's a very childish scene, but works really well as a contrast to the overall tone of the film.

Thankfully there are no gross out moments from comedy side kick Jonah Hill, he's good as Ira's room mate Leo, their other room mate is Mark (Jason Schwartzman), who has let fame go to his head from starring in the awful sitcom 'Yo Teach'.

Funny People is a fascinating and complex film, it delves into the inner workings of how one would cope with coming close to death, on the flip side there is a budding romantic sub plot involving Ira and Daisy (new comer Aubrey Plaza) these two have wonderful chemistry, however I would have liked to see this explored more as their final scene together seems a bit under developed.