Take MARCH OF THE PENGUINS 2: THE NEXT STEP Home on DVD, Blu-ray + Digital Download on Monday - 5 Reasons to Watch | The Fan Carpet Ltd • The Fan Carpet: The RED Carpet for FANS • The Fan Carpet: Fansites Network • The Fan Carpet: Slate • The Fan Carpet: Theatre Spotlight • The Fan Carpet: Arena • The Fan Carpet: International

Take MARCH OF THE PENGUINS 2: THE NEXT STEP Home on DVD, Blu-ray + Digital Download on Monday – 5 Reasons to Watch

31 October 2018

Filmmaker Luc Jacquet returns to the Antarctic to revisit the emperor penguins who call the frozen continent home. A decade after making his Academy Award®-winning March of the Penguins, Jacquet spent two months shooting in the Antarctic winter using the new technology of 4K cameras, airborne drones, and under-ice diving to show the astonishing lives of these mysterious creatures in an entirely new light. March of the Penguins 2: The Next Step tells the story of two penguins, a father and son, as they face and overcome the almost unimaginable challenges of life in this hostile land.

March of the Penguins, filmmaker Luc Jacquet returns to the Antarctic to bring you the heartwarming tale of a first-time father and his newborn chick as they learn to thrive in the world’s harshest conditions.

Here are five reasons to watch the brilliant sequel March of The Penguins: The Next Step, coming to Digital Download, DVD & Blu-ray™ from 5th November.



• It is narrated by the legendary Morgan Freeman

Like the prequel, Morgan Freeman returns to narrate March of the Penguins 2, following the life of the penguins and their everyday trials and tribulations in the Antartic. Freeman is known as one of the films most iconic voices and his addition to the film adds an unmistakable majesty to the events within the film.



• It places you right in the Antarctic with the penguins, from the comfort of your home

With the use of 4K cinematography, stunning sound design, and high-tech drones, technology brings the viewer even closer to the action. Jacquet spent two months shooting in the Antarctic winter, using that time to place himself deep in the action and everyday life of penguins making sure to capture some of their most earnest and authentic moments, bringing us up close and personal to the penguins.



• Swim with dolphins underwater without getting wet!

With slow-motion imagery, Luc Jacquet manages to capture the elegance and grace of penguins, with striking underwater sequences literally bringing the viewer under the ice with the penguins. Its immersion allows the viewer to see penguins bringing in food back to their families or just going for a leisurely swim!



• It shows us Emperor penguins up close and personal

Emperor penguins are one of the greatest species of penguin. On average, they are 115cm tall - around the height of a six-year-old!

They spend their lives in the Antartica which can reach extreme temperatures, as cold as -60°C. Unfortunately, today emperor penguins are endangered species due to rising temperatures, resulting in a decline in their populations in the years to come. The film explores their struggle within this environment and stands as a homage to how great penguins are, no matter what the odds!



• It highlights the relationship between a father and son

The story follows the story of two penguins, a father and son, as they face and overcome the almost unimaginable challenges of life in this hostile land. Showing that the bond between father and son is universal between animals and humans alike, it provides a relatable story that audiences can enjoy and relate to serving as a great film to bond with family over!

March of the Penguins 2: The Next Step Film Page

MARCH OF THE PENGUINS 2: THE NEXT STEP is available on Digital Download, DVD & Blu-ray™ from November 5

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