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Miley Cyrus – related to Damien from The Omen

24 April 2010

Tonight on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross he said that he had to lie down for three weeks after talking to her because she is "so exhausting". He went on to say he thinks that she is related to Damien from "The Omen".

Demi Moore will be shooting "Laughing Out Loud" with Miley later this year. You can catch Demi in "The Joneses" which hits Cinemas TODAY.

Demi Moore and David Duchovny star as a seemingly perfect couple who, along with their equally perfect teenagers -- Amber Heard (Zombieland, Pineapple Express) and Ben Hollingsworth (The Beautiful Life) -- move into an upscale gated community. The Joneses have better goods and game than any other family in town. The only problem is they're not a family - they are employees of a stealth marketing organization, and they know how to make everyone else want what they've got.